When I was a kid, I suffered from insomnia on a regular basis. I literally worried that I would die from lack of sleep. A heavy load for a 7th grader to bear. The insomnia gradually faded as I entered my teenage years, but even now a random night of poor sleep(which I experienced this weekend) is accompanied by illogical, scary feelings from the past when I constantly stuggled with sleep. It's amazing how childhood memories and experiences leave such deep imprints in our lives. It is hard to describe the ceasless anxiety I experienced during a particulary rough patch of sleeping problems. I would constantly worry whether I'd be able to fall asleep or not. These episodes were compounded when I had to take a trip away from home. I was extremely attached to my parents, and the combined feelings of separation anxiety, lonliness, and a great fear of never sleeping again left me terrified of summer camps. Looking back, I wonder if there was another "physchological" reason I couldn't sleep. Who knows. Unfortunatly, the whole experience has made me weary and wary at bedtime.
That said, last night I got a great nights sleep.
zzzzzzzzzzz, eh
That said, last night I got a great nights sleep.
zzzzzzzzzzz, eh