Tuesday, February 28, 2006

two days in a row

I actually feel like writing again today. I've been having nights where I am exhausted at 9:00pm, fall asleep at 9:30 and wake up by 5:30 or 6:00. Wierd. I feel like I'm turning into my mom. Faith has been waking up screaming-- *screaming* between 2:30 and 3 am every night. She wants her bottle or her penguin. Its freaky because she sounds like she's seriously injured or in great pain. I'm thinking its teething, but who knows.

Been learning about the African diamond mining industry at work. Keeps things interesting.

Monday, February 27, 2006

Light at the end of the tunnel

its frigid cold today but March is just two days away. 60 degree days can't be far away
its light outside at 5:45. Days getting longer and mornings starting earlier

Debt going down--My student loan is paid off this month. Agghh. What a relief.

Next goal--pay off car.

Slowly (excruciatingly so) making my way towards my goals.

Friday, February 17, 2006


While there is no doubt that I'd rather not be working at all, it is funny how there are certain comforts in a daily routine that revolve around the office. For me they are two cups of tea with milk and sugar(equal to be more exact), a survey of the major papers, and quick glances at other favorite websites. A clean desk, organized files, effiecient "to do" list all make my mind seem less cluttered. I like to walk home from work and the dull headache from looking at the computer too long fades away, and I feel free.

On the weekends though I do miss those leisurely morning cups of tea...

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

House blues

We went and looked at a $300,000 condo that was the approximately the 1/2 the size of my current apartment. I was really excited when we started our house search. Now I'm really depressed. I don't think there is anything decent in DC below the $400,000 range that has more than 1 bedroom. Agghh. I'll have to have patience, but I'm feeling really sad that we might have to move out of the city. On a better note,

Tonight we're looking at a preschool for Faith. It's bilingual so that's kinda cool. I can't believe she is old enough to start a school of any sort. Now I just have to get her potty trained! Somehow I've made her not want to use it...Any tips o readership of 1?