Wednesday, January 26, 2005

Two Steps forward, two steps back

So I'll update everyone on my insomnia struggles. In general I've been doing better--then I'll experience a couple days that I can't sleep and so my anxiety builds and builds and builds until like last night when I maybe slept 2-3 hours, and I feel like I'm going backwards. I've been thinking of creative solutions--getting a night job, stopping medications completely and toughing it out, and I'm kinda stumped. One one hand this is just a problem I have, just like other people have problems that they worry and get anxious about. I don't want to blow it out of proportion so that it runs my life. I feel like a broken record to my family, and that sucks. So I guess I'm feeling down today.

On a different note, I want to say what a great age Faith is at. She's 14 months and saying real words, mimicking about everything, developing a sense of humor, and playing games. I feel so fortunate, and I have such an overwhelming amount of love for her that it catchs me off guard,gives me pause, and makes me thank my lucky stars.

Life is bittersweet

Friday, January 21, 2005

Online Quizzes

I took the Ladies Home Journal quiz "Is your marriage in trouble" out of boredom today at work. The results: mine is not--reinforcing something I already knew. :-) Here is the slightly disturbing/amusing thing though... What if you took that quiz and found out your marriage WAS in trouble. That would kinda suck. Nothing like the Ladies Home Journal to break the news to you that you are headed towards divorce. I'm sure people take these quizzes, receive the wrong answer, and then go back and change their answers so that their "score" comes out the right way. Otherwise, you have to contend with the idea that you and your partner are heading towards trouble and the Ladies Home Journal told you so! I'm very interested if any of my fellow readers out there have ever taken an online or inprint relationship quiz and failed. Till Monday, Erin

Tuesday, January 18, 2005

Cold Days

I love a really, really cold day. Maybe its because in DC we don't get many. I love wearing thick sweaters, heavy coats, and having my cheeks turn pink and my breath turn to smoke in the air. This morning walking to work my legs tingled and I loved it! It reminds me of cross country skiing and home. I made a beef stew this weekend, and I can't think of a simpler pleasure than the smell of it through my apartment. Hot tea, a blanket, and a good book is my favorite way to spend a day like today. I remember when I lived alone for a year that my little apartment was such a haven on winter days. It was always spic and span, I cooked elaborate soups or stews, and I listed to music while I read for hours. I have different pleasures now--an awesome day spent with Faith and Matt, family outings, or a before bed bubblebath, but I would definitly say that everyone should live alone at some point in their lives because for me at least it was a terrific experience.


Wednesday, January 12, 2005

Resolution Update

Here's my resolution update two weeks into the Brand new year! Brand new me! campaign. Lost 1 pound (maybe) Can tune my guitar but not sucessfully play it. I am walking to and from work now--it makes me feel better, and hopefully is helping me sleep. I haven't had any really bad insomnia nights yet this year. My small business idea is really percolating in my head. So the idea is to have a cool coffee shop where stir-crazy moms/dads/nannies/aupairs/babysitters can take kids and dump them in a play area while enjoying a good quality coffee shop experience that makes him/her feel child-free at least for a moment. In my mind I envision jazz or classical music, old-paperbacks, off-beat art, and great coffee and food for parents, and in the back a kind of large play area where all the outlets are plugged, and the babies and tots can play. If this type of place existed now, I'd be there every Sat. morning. So I've been trying to think up names, and I'd like my dear readers to vote on the following business names and tell me which ones you like the best.

1) Sweetpea's Cafe
2) Lovebug's Coffee House
3) Cream & Sugar
4) or "Insert your Suggestion Here"

So now all I need are the guts to move forward with this, including some start up cash, a great business plan, and the courage to take a huge risk.

I'm most worried about the last item.
I keep thinking though that this would be great.