Friday, January 21, 2005

Online Quizzes

I took the Ladies Home Journal quiz "Is your marriage in trouble" out of boredom today at work. The results: mine is not--reinforcing something I already knew. :-) Here is the slightly disturbing/amusing thing though... What if you took that quiz and found out your marriage WAS in trouble. That would kinda suck. Nothing like the Ladies Home Journal to break the news to you that you are headed towards divorce. I'm sure people take these quizzes, receive the wrong answer, and then go back and change their answers so that their "score" comes out the right way. Otherwise, you have to contend with the idea that you and your partner are heading towards trouble and the Ladies Home Journal told you so! I'm very interested if any of my fellow readers out there have ever taken an online or inprint relationship quiz and failed. Till Monday, Erin


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, I did take an online quiz back in 2002 which predicted that I would be married by August 2005. And I guess that is now much more likely than I would have predicted back then.

- Your friend, Patience

9:10 PM  

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