Friday, December 03, 2004

I'm back

I'm back! I've missed my blog for the last month or so. I think its appropriate to to re-start writing and journaling as I feel like I'm trying to make a fresh start. I have so many topics I could write about--my visist to a psychiatric ward, taking two weeks off from work, Thanksgiving, my sudden yearning to become very crafty--I want to learn how to knit, make quilts, do beautiful embroidary, make braided rugs, and possibly paint, my friend Courtney's announcement that she is going to have a baby, and my new found desire to become a doctor or nurse. Hah.

I want to reflect on Thanksgiving for a moment and the things I'm thankful for this year.

1) Faith (my daughter)
2) Faith (that things will be OK)
3) a loving and supportive spouse
4) my health
5) my amazingly great family & friends
6) slowly improving finances
7) a good job

Already the Christmas rush is upon me--I feel like I should be shopping and baking and playing Christmas music. I love this time of the year, and I want to relish it. The past couple of years it's become less festive, and I want to really participate this year in X-mas carols, X-mas parties,etc. I am trying to get re-connected with the person I am. I look at all the things I did as a kid and teenager. I wrote to pen-pals non stop from all over the world, I read as much about travel as I possibly could, and ran long distance competitevly and at leisure, and all of those things made me really HAPPY. I don't do any of them now, and I wonder why. Do we lose parts of our personality as become older, or is it a gradual decline that occurs as jobs and relationships, and now kids become part of the equation. I am going to really try to start running again and to start writing to pen-pals. I'll give updates on how it goes.



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