Thursday, August 05, 2004


I hate cockroaches. They are ugly, they are dirty, and for some reason they love our apartment. This weekend I bleached the floors, swept up every dust bunny, and cleaned until I was hot, sweaty, and enamored with my new clean digs. But still they subsist. Today I fed Faith in her high chair and one crawled up behind her head. Of course I smashed it and muttered a few cuss words, but I am secretly resigned to it. Our building management company has the, "If you don't like it move" attitude, which I'm seriously considering. They scurry, they jump, they scavange for Faith's dropped peas and drips of babyfood, and I almost always startle one if I turn on the light in our kitchen in the middle of the night. My apartment is clean, we are hygenic, and yet we have unwelcome cockroaches that grate on my nerves and climb up our walls.



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