Tuesday, June 15, 2004

Elevator Blues

How do you figure out what to say in an elevator with fellow employees you don't know? I usually pretend to look at a receipt in my wallet. Today I tenatively looked someone in the face and half smiled. We work on the same floor. His response: nothing-he actually pretended he didn't see me smile at him. The 30 seconds or so seemed like an eternity. I hate that akward silence, but I also don't want to be know as rah-rah work girl. The super chatty types bug me and I usually secretly laugh inside my head at them. Who wants to be the office cheerleader?

The standard conversation fillers also just don't seem to work in an elevator. It seems much easier to ask someone about their kids or the weather standing next to the water cooler than when you are between floors 5 and 6. It's almost like there is an expectation of strained silences so people just give in to it.

I think my solution to this problem is:

Take the stairs.

Maybe this will help be lose the extra "baby" fat I've been carrying around. (I really shouldn't blame this extra 10 lbs on Faith. She's 7 mo old and I think the real culprit is my husband's love of ice cream)

Stepping out,



Anonymous Anonymous said...

I usually take the stairs considering i don't like the silence on the elevator. Especially, since the one person i could relate too is no longer working in my office.

1:15 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I usually take the stairs considering i don't like the silence on the elevator. Especially, since the one person i could relate too is no longer working in my office.

1:15 PM  

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