Tuesday, June 08, 2004


1 1lb pork tenderloin
2 tablespoons olive oil
garlic cloves
salt and pepper to taste
white wine
chicken broth

preheat oven to 400 degrees
rub tenderloin with salt pepper and 1 tsp cumin
make several sharp slits in tenderloin and insert slices of garlic clove
heat olive oil in oven proof skillet
sear tenderloin on all sides for roughly 10 minutes until brown all over
pour 1/2 cup white wine and 1/2 cup chicken broth into skillet

cook in oven for 10 minutes
turn off oven and let set for 10 minutes as it will continue cooking inside.


I made this last night and will give it 5 stars. Absolutely excellent and so tender.

If I didn't need my day job I'd be a cook.


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