Thursday, May 13, 2004

The start of something great

I am excited to have a new outlet for all the thoughts in my head. Is blogging a verb? If so, I am excited to blog as I've been too busy at home to write in my journal. I've kept a journal since approximately 2nd or 3rd grade, but since the advent of Faith (my daughter, not God) I've had few spare moments to really sit down and write. I'm not busy at work, so I can multi-task and write to my heart's content. My first major question: to tell other people about my blog or not? If I don't tell people about my blog, I can write about co-workers, friends, relatives, etc. in a less restricted way. This is tempting, but it seems that one of the major upsides to having a blog is the ability to share thoughts with those close to you; now that my life is wonderfully consumed with family life, I can have a one-sided communication with those I care about. Or I might be humbled because no one will read my blog. That will be OK too.
With that said, Yeahhhh


Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey there buddy! glad that you decided to share your thoughts and give your friends and family access to them. i will check all the time as i am anxious to read what's on your mind...and to see if i make any appearances...hehe. miss you much miz b. talk to you soon. jesso

9:22 PM  

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