Tuesday, July 20, 2004


Movie Review:

I saw "Outfoxed" on Sunday with hubby and a friend. For those of my 3 person audience who haven't heard of the flick, it's a documentary by Robert Greenwald about Fox News Channel. Overtly partisan, and pretty funny, I give it a one thumb up. However, for anyone who watches FNC with any regularity (which I do due to my dearest) none of the revelations in the movie were earth-shattering: Fox Hires only wimpy, no-name liberals to provide the "balance" on the show, they conduct selective reporting that only, and always, makes Democrats look bad, their conservative hosts shout down their guests if the guest get too assertive (or is making too good of a point), and they have a clear corporate, conservative message that hq expects all Fox employees to follow.

One of Greenwald's main problem with Fox is it's moniker "Fair and Balanced". I agree. Anyone who watches Fox knows that "Fair and Balanced" is ludicrous.

However, I veer from Greenwald's analysis that Fox is inherently evil and misleading the clueless masses. (If you believe Fox is reporting ALL news in a "FAIR AND BALANCED" way when the slant is soooooo obvious, then you're obviously a Republican who only wants your views reinforced.) I agree with hubby Matt when he said Fox is only fufilling a consumer demand. If people want to watch a conservative network, someone has a right to make money off that demand. My problem with Fox is that it should just change it's name to "The Republican News Network". My bet is that they would lose 0% of their current audience.

Of course changing the Fox slogan would take away the pleasure Mr. Murdoch derives from mocking other news organizations and Democrats. "Fair and Balanced" news is obviously popular with a segment of the population, and that the news is really biased, conservative opinion with a smattering of journalism is Mr. Murdoch's big middle finger to liberals, Democrats, and the imaginary "elite media."

(Question for Mr. Murdoch: Are you part of the "elite media" if you are bazillionaire using your business holdings as megahorn for your personal views?)

I think a Republican News Network would be great for all the Republicans who feel unserved by the current news outlets. Either way, I'll just continue to skip right on by channel 63 when it's my turn to watch the news.


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