Wednesday, October 06, 2004

Looking back

The last couple of days I've been reading the journal I wrote during my 4th grade year. It is pretty hilarious. Classroom drama was intricate and friendships all important. I devoted whole entries to relaying whom was passing notes to whom and what it meant in terms of who like me or didn't. I was also struck by how all the little things stick in kids minds; like how I thought during a field trip to Buffalo that the most exciting thing was seeing a two-story McDonalds. Reading the journal was like strangly seeing an old dear friend--I was intimatly familiar with every thing on the pages, yet I was also a different person than a 10 year old girl. It also made me want to really start writing with more regularity in my journal--it is so interesting to look back and see how you were at a certain point in time. With that said, does this count?


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