Wednesday, June 02, 2010

4 Years Later

I haven't blogged in 4 years. A summer project to resume. Life has changed in 4 years--Rosemary and Charlie being the most obvious manifestations. Perhaps Facebook takes away some of the usefulness of a blog-who needs to post when they can update 200 friends in 20 seconds. My dearest purpose for this blog perhaps will return to what it was intended for-a way for my children someday to see what life was like through the eyes of their mom. So for June 2010, I'll list a few developments and particularities to the here and now.

Faith--home with a temperature of 102 for the past two days. Causes me to sleep on her floor all night to keep on eye on her. I am a nervous wreck due to the death of a child in our neighborhood and every little symptom scares me now.

When healthy, she is 6 1/2 and loves to play with friends, her toys, and is interested in Chinese culture and world geography.

Charlie is 3 1/2 and likes to watch movies of Giant Octopuses on You Tube and loves to plan his upcoming birthday party and discuss the people, presents, cakes, and activities he wants to see. He also likes to explore different personas of being a "bad guy" "good guy" or "mean guy".

Rosemary is 1 and just starting to walk. She prefers to walk on her knees, and can move quite quickly! She can say, NO, Yucky, Stop, Dora, Momma, and Dadda.

Life is full and very beautiful


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