Morning Rush
Here is my weekday morning routine:
6:30: Hear Faith crying. Elbow Matt and tell him it's his turn to wake up and get Faith. He rolls over and falls back asleep. I go to sleep because she has stopped crying.
6:50 Hear Faith crying. Get out of bed. Grab bottle in refrigerator. Go to her crib [This is the best part of my day]She starts smiling and babbling. I feel like a rock star. At that moment I am the center of her orbit and she is so excited to be picked and held....
6:51 Give Faith her bottle
7:00 change diaper & dress Faith. take Faith into bedroom and sit her on top of Matt. he wakes up, smiles, and gets in the shower.
7:05 Put Faith in high chair. Poor some cheerios on tray while stepping and crushing cheerios and peas from last nights dinner with my flip flops.
7:10 Eat my own cereal, watch Katie Couric and wait for local weather forcast.
7:25 Read Faith a book while waiting for Matt to get out of the bathroom.
7:30 Place Faith in a corral, er I mean her play pen, and jump in shower.
7:45 Look through all my clothes that I hate and decide how far I can stretch the definition of "business casual".
7:50 make-up, attempt at hair
8:00 make sandwiches, find wallet, keys, pack Faith's stuff in stroller that she'll need for the day
8:15 leave house
8:35 arrive at babysitters, drop Faith off, try not to feel the guilt for working full time, and give her a big kiss goodbye
8:40 Hop on bike, ride to work
9:00 Arrive at work
Now you all know exactly, and I do mean exactly because this schedule hasn't changed in the last 6 months, what I do in the morning.
6:30: Hear Faith crying. Elbow Matt and tell him it's his turn to wake up and get Faith. He rolls over and falls back asleep. I go to sleep because she has stopped crying.
6:50 Hear Faith crying. Get out of bed. Grab bottle in refrigerator. Go to her crib [This is the best part of my day]She starts smiling and babbling. I feel like a rock star. At that moment I am the center of her orbit and she is so excited to be picked and held....
6:51 Give Faith her bottle
7:00 change diaper & dress Faith. take Faith into bedroom and sit her on top of Matt. he wakes up, smiles, and gets in the shower.
7:05 Put Faith in high chair. Poor some cheerios on tray while stepping and crushing cheerios and peas from last nights dinner with my flip flops.
7:10 Eat my own cereal, watch Katie Couric and wait for local weather forcast.
7:25 Read Faith a book while waiting for Matt to get out of the bathroom.
7:30 Place Faith in a corral, er I mean her play pen, and jump in shower.
7:45 Look through all my clothes that I hate and decide how far I can stretch the definition of "business casual".
7:50 make-up, attempt at hair
8:00 make sandwiches, find wallet, keys, pack Faith's stuff in stroller that she'll need for the day
8:15 leave house
8:35 arrive at babysitters, drop Faith off, try not to feel the guilt for working full time, and give her a big kiss goodbye
8:40 Hop on bike, ride to work
9:00 Arrive at work
Now you all know exactly, and I do mean exactly because this schedule hasn't changed in the last 6 months, what I do in the morning.