Spring Fever
I haven't had a long rambling post in awhile. I'm feeling like a newish person. Isn't it amazing when you eat right, excercise, get lots of sunshine, and feel your brain responding to the warm weather, sunshine, scent of flowers how giddy you feel. My walks to work have been AWESOME. I zone out as take in the colors of tulips, daffodils, crocuses, magnolia blossoms, and cherry blossoms. Spring makes me feel philosophical--how to make my life great, be a better person, stay in the moment, blah, blah, blah. Plus it is the five year mark of graduating from college. What am I doing with my life? OPTIMISM-something I haven't felt since before the fall 04 hell.
Should we leave DC? Have five more kids? Teach English in Mexico? Save for retirment and max out my 401k? Buy a house and build a life here?
News from life:
1)Faith is saying all her animal sounds, as well as "alright" "ok" "nope" and "yeah"
2) I found out a younger cousin is gay. I never would have expected it, my aunt yes, I knew my entire life even though she just recently told the family. It's like knowing a person your whole life and then finding out something completely new. He's cool as hell because he has always done his own thing and followed the beat of a different drummer--becoming an eagle scout, travelling all through Mexico alone, real outdoorsy, buying an old antique car and fixing it up, driving a Camino, etc. Unfortunately, his mom is being a real bitch about it and it takes her down considerably in my esteem. Anywho, I really want to meet his B.F. who he met at the Eat N' Park where he works, and who has an old man's name.
3) I am only 10 payments away from paying off my student loan. I can't wait to frame that letter.
Well, that's it. Signing out till I next get the inspiration to write--EH
Should we leave DC? Have five more kids? Teach English in Mexico? Save for retirment and max out my 401k? Buy a house and build a life here?
News from life:
1)Faith is saying all her animal sounds, as well as "alright" "ok" "nope" and "yeah"
2) I found out a younger cousin is gay. I never would have expected it, my aunt yes, I knew my entire life even though she just recently told the family. It's like knowing a person your whole life and then finding out something completely new. He's cool as hell because he has always done his own thing and followed the beat of a different drummer--becoming an eagle scout, travelling all through Mexico alone, real outdoorsy, buying an old antique car and fixing it up, driving a Camino, etc. Unfortunately, his mom is being a real bitch about it and it takes her down considerably in my esteem. Anywho, I really want to meet his B.F. who he met at the Eat N' Park where he works, and who has an old man's name.
3) I am only 10 payments away from paying off my student loan. I can't wait to frame that letter.
Well, that's it. Signing out till I next get the inspiration to write--EH