Friends from afar
I saw two really good friends who were in town for an Easter visit. It was great: both are people I really, really cherish as friends and who I wish lived here in our great capitol. That said, I'm feeling kinda down today and pondering the question: Does it matter if my most of my closest friends don't live close? I am most certainly content with the idea that I have a great group of good friends, even if I only see most of them once a year... I rely on my friends here in DC for coffee dates, lunch appointments, random dinners together, and various outdoors activities--but whenever someone leaves it makes my already group of DC friends smaller, and I haven't made many new friends since Faith was born due to lack of time and energy. What it boils down to is that I wish I lived on a street with all my friends around me. It would make life so lovely: I picture sitting on a front porch with my friends, sipping wine in the dusk on a warm perfect evening, while kids play kickball or tag and we talk and reminisce. That's my dream.