Thursday, February 10, 2005

Morality Lesson

Here's a story: Next to my hometown of Scio, there is a town called Friendship. Towns are nearly identical in size, both have small central schools with K-12 in one building. This year, the two districts considered a merger to be voted on by town residents. The reasons are numerous: the state of NY gives financial incentives to merge, the tax burden would lessen for residents, the combined school would be able to offer more classes including AP, etc. Well, when it came up to for a straw vote, it was voted FOR overwhelmingly in Friendship, and AGAINST in Scio. There are many reasons,(school pride, resisting having your kids travel farther) but the most nasty of which is the close-mindedness of many in Scio. See, Friendship has the reputation of being the welfare capital of Allegany County. The reputation is unfair, and there are many nice people in Friendship. This didn't stop residents of Scio putting up signs saying "Keep Friendship Welfare in Friendship", or "Save our morals, Vote No". This whole event is a perfect example of what I hate: close-minded, mean-spirited people playing on stereotypes.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Erin: It is Bobbie Jo, It has been awhile since I read your blog. The whole Friendship thing really bothered me too. My little nieces go to Friendship school and they are bright, intelligent, fun, loving, kind, and hopeful girls. I was so taken back when I heard what was being said that I was embarrassed that I grew up in a town that could hold such views. Of course the best one was having a discussion with our wonderful Troy Wing about it. Oh God how some people feel inside, it is sad and heavy on my heart. As always I love reading your thoughts. Love Bobbie Jo

1:50 PM  

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