Wednesday, January 12, 2005

Resolution Update

Here's my resolution update two weeks into the Brand new year! Brand new me! campaign. Lost 1 pound (maybe) Can tune my guitar but not sucessfully play it. I am walking to and from work now--it makes me feel better, and hopefully is helping me sleep. I haven't had any really bad insomnia nights yet this year. My small business idea is really percolating in my head. So the idea is to have a cool coffee shop where stir-crazy moms/dads/nannies/aupairs/babysitters can take kids and dump them in a play area while enjoying a good quality coffee shop experience that makes him/her feel child-free at least for a moment. In my mind I envision jazz or classical music, old-paperbacks, off-beat art, and great coffee and food for parents, and in the back a kind of large play area where all the outlets are plugged, and the babies and tots can play. If this type of place existed now, I'd be there every Sat. morning. So I've been trying to think up names, and I'd like my dear readers to vote on the following business names and tell me which ones you like the best.

1) Sweetpea's Cafe
2) Lovebug's Coffee House
3) Cream & Sugar
4) or "Insert your Suggestion Here"

So now all I need are the guts to move forward with this, including some start up cash, a great business plan, and the courage to take a huge risk.

I'm most worried about the last item.
I keep thinking though that this would be great.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Erin - It is Bobbie Jo - I like Annie's idea of Kinder Cafe. I love the idea even though I do not have a child. Let me know what you decide.

9:24 AM  

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