Tuesday, January 18, 2005

Cold Days

I love a really, really cold day. Maybe its because in DC we don't get many. I love wearing thick sweaters, heavy coats, and having my cheeks turn pink and my breath turn to smoke in the air. This morning walking to work my legs tingled and I loved it! It reminds me of cross country skiing and home. I made a beef stew this weekend, and I can't think of a simpler pleasure than the smell of it through my apartment. Hot tea, a blanket, and a good book is my favorite way to spend a day like today. I remember when I lived alone for a year that my little apartment was such a haven on winter days. It was always spic and span, I cooked elaborate soups or stews, and I listed to music while I read for hours. I have different pleasures now--an awesome day spent with Faith and Matt, family outings, or a before bed bubblebath, but I would definitly say that everyone should live alone at some point in their lives because for me at least it was a terrific experience.



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