Thursday, June 03, 2004


I want to stay home with Faith. I am missing milestones. I see her three hours a day.

This sucks.

There has to be a better way. Start my own business? Work part-time? Move to a less exspensive city where one income will do?

Weeks go by and I get lulled into thinking I can do this. And then yesterday I talked to her babysitter who said she can sit up by herself for a long time. It makes me sad.

What is the solution?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello Erin: It is Bobbie Jo, I decided to check in on what is going on for you. I hear your sadness with missing so much of Faith's milestone moments. I was going to say that I wish that I was rich, but wishing is a word that I have become to dislike. I would like to offer you support and if I brainstorm up a good idea I will share it with you. I understand your reaction to Jason's story. I cried too. God bless him and his family. Well I should do some work, since I am at work. Take care and I will talk with you soon.
Love, Bobbie Jo Give Faith a kiss for me and I will send out those pictures soon (I am trying to find an envelope that is big enough).

10:25 AM  

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